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computer full form – Common Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational research

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A COMPUTER is a Common Operating Machine used for Technological and Educational research.

computer full form: 2023 Today Full Form In computer

Computers are not acronyms but electronic devices. They are simple machines that we can program for many logical and arithmetic functions, and they do the jobs we direct them to do.


computer full form

Computers are electronic devices that simplify our daily work, and any computer that is programmed to perform a particular task or work will do so quickly and accurately.

computer full form:- Common Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational research

The term computer is not an Indian word, so many times people want to know the full form of it, and many people use the term operating machine intentionally for educational and technical research.

COMPUTER Full Form - Common Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational research

His plan for the analytical engine, now known as the computer, was developed in 1830 by Charles Babbage, who is called the father of computers.

How does a computer work?

Known as an electronic device, a computer performs our essential functions according to predetermined instructions.

It is capable of storing information, making necessary changes to the information, and providing information again when needed.

Many of our essential tasks are performed today on computers, such as typing a document, playing games, sending emails, browsing the web, etc.

Our mobile phones have also evolved into mini-computers, which is why they are capable of doing multiple tasks at the same time today.

How does a computer work?

Everywhere computers are used, from factories, to colleges, to electricity departments, to our cars. It has also led to a rise in the demand for computer-related courses at different levels, such as computer science engineering, IT, BCA, COPA, etc. computer full form,

A Computer’s Important Parts (computer full form)

The parts of a computer can be divided into two categories: software and hardware:

Various physical components of a computer are called computer hardware, such as a keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.A computer’s processor is attached to the motherboard, and this is one of the most important lessons.

In addition, all input and output devices can be connected directly to the motherboard.

Processor/CPU – (computer full form)

Computers and laptops are equipped with Intel processors, particularly the i9, which is the most advanced processor available. The CPU, or central processing unit, processes all the data and delivers the required results. computer full form,


RAM is also known as random-access memory, and everything we do on the computer is saved on RAM and then erased when the computer is shut down.

Hard drive (computer full form)

We can save any necessary information forever on a hard drive in a computer; the operating system is also installed on the hard drive. computer full form,

Components of a computer system

With respect to the software components of a computer, the most important software is the operating system, as the operating system performs the necessary tasks using different types of hardware.

Furthermore, we can install any software according to our needs, such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Powerpoint, Photoshop, and so forth.

Microsoft’s Windows is the most popular operating system, found in 83% of computers worldwide. Apple’s Mac OS is the second most popular.

Computer evolution | computer full form

As computers were invented, they could only accomplish a single task, but today due to the evolution of software, a computer can handle multiple tasks at once and artificial intelligence is coming into play. computer full form,

  • The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes (1940-1956).
  • The second generation used transistors (1956-1963).
  • The third generation used integrated circuits (1964-1971).
  • Microprocessors are the basis of fourth-generation computers (1971-present).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the foundation of fifth-generation computers (present and future).
  • computer full form

A vacuum-based computer, the first to be manufactured in the 50s, was the size of a room, and could perform only one operation at a time.

Currently, most people use two types of computers, a desktop or personal computer, and a laptop. Many people prefer to do their important work on laptops, since they can carry them anywhere. At the same time, computers are still widely used in the office. computer full form,

Computers have many advantages

The computer has changed the way we work today. Here are a few advantages of computers:

  • Speed :- With today’s advanced computers, big things can be accomplished quickly.
  • Accuracy:- Any computer will perform any task given instructions and predetermined rules without error.
  • Multitasking:- A computer can do many things at once, and today’s computers are following thousands of instructions every second.

Facts about computers

  • Over 90% of the world’s currency is on the computer, which means it’s in the digital format?
  • The first computer was 18 square feet in size and weighed 27 tons.
  • Nowadays, most people refer to a computer as a PC.
  • Do you know the full form – Comment below

Here are some famous computer brands

  1. HP
  2. Lenovo
  3. MI
  4. Acer
  5. DELL
  6. Macbook by apple
  7. HCL

We use a lot of acronyms every day in relation to the computer, so let’s learn the full form of some of them.

Storage or Memory related full forms for computers

KB- Kilobyte 

MB- MegaByte

GB- GigaByte

TB- TeraByte

PB- PentaByte


ZB- ZetaByte

CPU– Central Processing Unit

ROM- Read-only Memory

RAM– Random Access Memory

Prom- Programmable Read-Only Memory

FDD- Floppy Disk Drive

HDD- Hard Disk Drive

CD- Compact Disk

DVD- Digital Video Disk

BIOS- Basic Input Output System

SMPS- Switch Mode Power Supply

VDU- Visual Display Unit

LED- Light Emitting Diode

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

USB- Universal Serial Bus

HDMI- High Definition Multimedia Interface

SSD- Solid State Drive

VGA- Video Graphics Array

UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply

PDF- Portable Document Format

NTFS- New Technology File System

MMC- Multi-Media Card

OS- Operating System

VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Seige

ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit

DVI- Digital Visual Interface

Full forms for computer courses

BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application

MCA- Master of Computer Application

DCA- Diploma in Computer Application

ADCA– Advance Diploma in Computer Application

IT- Information Technology

COPA- Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant

CSE- Computer Science Engineering

DCE- Diploma in Computer Engineering

2G- 2nd Generation

3G- 3rd Generation

4G- 4th Generation

5G- 5th Generation

WIFI- Wireless Fidelity

WAN- Wide Area Network

WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network

DNS- Domain Name System

HTML- HyperText Markup language

IP- Internet Protocol

ISP- Internet Service Provider

VPS- Virtual Private Server

URL- Uniform Resource Locator

GSM- Global System for Mobile Communication

CDMA full form- Code Division Multiple Access

SIM- Subscriber Identity Module

WWW- World Wide Web

GPRS- General Packet Radio Service

Full form of computer file formatscomputer full form

  • GIF- Graphical Interchangeable Format
  • MP3- MPEG Audio Layer 3
  • MP4-
  • HD- High Definition
  • 4K- 4000
  • UHD- Ultra High Definition , computer full form,

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Posted by Jeet Jaiswal

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