Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Online Apply 2022: Registration, Eligibility, Benefits, Application
|| Berojgari Bhatta Online Apply 2020 , राजस्थान बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना ||Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Apply | राजस्थान बेरोजगारी भत्ता ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन | राजस्थान बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना एप्लीकेशन स्टेटस | बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना पात्रता, लाभ
बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना 2022
Manyata Ashok Gehlot Ji, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, has launched Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Online Apply 2021 to help recruit unemployed youth in the state. This scheme provides Rs 3000 of unemployment allowance to the unemployed youth in Rajasthan, and Rs 3500 of subsidy per month to the unemployed youth in other states.
Education-educated unemployed youth will be provided financial assistance through this scheme. We would like to share with you all the information related to Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Yojana like application rules, eligibility requirements, documents, etc. through this article, so please read it carefully till the end.
Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2022
According to the scheme, an amount of Rs 650 will be provided to the unemployed youth educated by the state government, and Rs 750 to the girls. However, the unemployment allowance has now been increased by the Rajasthan government under Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2022.
The plan provides an unemployed allowance of Rs 3000 to educated unemployed youth and Rs 3500 to unemployed youth. In order to avail of this Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2021, beneficiaries will have to apply online. The scheme will be provided by the state government for two years.
SCHEME NAME | Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta |
LAUNCHED BY | Rajasthan |
Providing unemployment allowance | Rajasthan |
RAJASTHAN BEROJGARI BHATTA ELIGIBILITY / बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना के लिए पात्रता ।
To avail the Rajasthan BEROJGARI BHATTA ELIGIBILITY, you must have the following eligibility.
- UP scholarship registration, renewal, scholarship Pfms, NSP Scholarship 2021
- UP Jansunwai Portal-1076, UP IGRS | जनसुनवाई पर शिकायत कैसे करे, jansunwai.up
- निष्ठा शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण प्रोग्राम, NISHTHA PRASHIKSHAN, Training module, निष्ठा प्रशिक्षण मॉड्यूल PDF Download
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The objective of Rajasthan BEROJGARI BHATTA Scheme 2022
There is a problem of BEROJGARI all over the country. And despite being educated in Rajasthan, the unemployed youth is still jobless. A majority of the BEROJGARI youth of the state are looking for boats but not getting employment, which makes it difficult for them to support their families.
Rajasthan Rajasthan BEROJGARI BHATTA Scheme 2021 provides an amount of Rs 3000 per month to educated unemployed boys of the state and Rs 3500 per month as Berojgari Bhatta Online Apply 2022 to girls under this scheme. Through this Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2021, to meet the economic needs of educated unemployed youth of the state.
Berojgari Bhatta Yojana Rajasthan 2022 के लाभ
- योजना का लाभ राज्य के शिक्षित बेरोजगार युवाओ और युवतियों को प्रदान किया जायेगा।
- इस योजना के अंतर्गत राज्य के बेरोजगार युवाओ को प्रतिमाह 3000 रूपये की धनराशि और बेरोजगार युवतियों को प्रतिमाह 3500 रूपये की धनराशि आर्थिक सहायता के रूप में प्रदान की जाएगी।
- Berojgari Bhatta Yojana Rajasthan 2021 के अनुसार राज्य सरकार 12वी एवं ग्रेजुएशन पास कर चुके शिक्षित युवाओ को मासिक बेरोजगारी भत्ता प्रदान करेगी।
- राज्य के जो शिक्षित बेरोजगार लड़का या लड़की इस योजना के तहत बेरोजगारी भत्ता प्राप्त करना चाहते है तो उन्हें इस योजना की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाकर ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा।
- यह सहायता राशि आवेदक को दो साल की अवधि तक बेरोजगार रहने की स्थिति में दी जाएगी, जिससे कि बेरोजगार युवा और युवतियां अपनी जरूरतों को पूरा करने में सक्षम हो सकें।
Documents of Rajasthan Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2022
How to apply in Rajasthan Unemployment Allowance Scheme 2022
Interested beneficiaries of the state, who want to apply under this scheme, should follow the method given below.

How to see Berojgari Bhatta scheme 2021 application status?
ध्यान दें :- अगर आप सभी पाठकों को ऐसे ही राज्य सरकार या केंद्र सरकार के संबंधित किसी भी सरकारी योजना, आधार कार्ड, पैन कार्ड अथवा कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर के संबंधित जानकारियों को लेना चाहते हैं! तो नीचे दिए गए सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से जुड़े तथा Web Site Gadgetsupdateshindi.Com में दिए हुए नोटिफिकेशन को भी फॉलो जरूर करें|
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Posted By Jeet Jaiswal
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Q 1. What is Rajasthan Unemployment Allowance Scheme?
Educated youth educated by the state government, who have not got a job or do not have any means of living, are given the benefit of unemployment allowance scheme by the state government. Applicants under this scheme apply After acceptance, some money is given every month, so that he can survive.
Q 2. How much money would be received every month under Rajasthan unemployed allowance scheme?
Earlier, under Rajasthan Unemployment Allowance Scheme, ₹ 650 per month was being given to men and ₹ 750 per month to the disabled but this has been increased to ₹ 3500 per month.
Q 3. How to apply online for Rajasthan Unemployment Allowance Scheme?
If you want to take advantage of unemployment allowance scheme in Rajasthan, you can apply for it by visiting the official website of Rajasthan Berojgari Bhatta yojana or you can also apply with the help of SSO Rajasthan Portal.
Q 4. What is the eligibility for Rajasthan unemployment allowance?
➡️ Under the unemployment allowance scheme, any youth who is unemployed can apply in this scheme.
➡️ In the Unemployment Allowance Scheme, the name of the applicant should not be in any other similar scheme by the Central Government and the State Government.
➡️ A person must be a permanent resident of Rajasthan
➡️ The annual income of the applicant’s family should not exceed 3 lakhs.
➡️ Applicants must be between 21 years to 35 years old.
➡️ Applicants must be at least 12th pass
➡️ Applicant should have post-graduation or graduation degree
Q 5. What are the documents required to apply for unemployment allowance scheme?
Aadhar card of the applicant or applicant
identity card
residence certificate
income certificate
Rajasthan SSO ID
Bhamashah certificate of Rajasthan
mobile number
Passport size photo