|| secc family member details pmay | pmayg nic in 2020 21 gramin | iay pmayg beneficiary details | pmay family details | pmay beneficiary details | awaassoft nic netiay beneficiary detail | pmayg nic in report | iay nic in gramin, iay nic in, indra awas ||
PMAYG Beneficiary & SECC Family Member Details, iay nic in 2022
iay nic in, indra awas @ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY):- योजना भारत सरकार द्वारा एक फुलाए हुए रियल एस्टेट क्षेत्र के खिलाफ घरों की सामर्थ्य को बढ़ावा देने के लिए शुरू की गई थी। PMAYG Beneficiary, योजना का उद्देश्य राष्ट्र भर में 20 मिलियन घरों का निर्माण करके, SECC Family Member Details, iay nic in (The 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi aims to achieve its objective of “Housing for All” by 31 March 2022.)को प्राप्त करना है।
जिन क्षेत्रों को यह पूरा करता है, उनके आधार पर इस योजना के दो भाग हैं – PMAYG Beneficiary शहरी और ग्रामीण।
iay nic in, indra awas @ Pm Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U)
वर्तमान में, Pm Awas Yojana Urban (PMAY-U) में इस योजना के तहत लगभग 4,331 ऐसे शहर और शहर हैं। इसमें शहरी विकास प्राधिकरण, विशेष क्षेत्र विकास प्राधिकरण, Industrial Development Authority, Development Zone, अधिसूचित योजना, और हर अन्य प्राधिकरण शामिल है जो IAY nic, urban planning और नियमों के लिए जिम्मेदार है। iay nic in, indra awas,
New Indira Awas Yojana Iay List Link
➡️ योजना का नाम | ➡️ Indira Awas Yojana ( Iay List) (New) PMAYG Beneficiary & SECC Family Member Details, iay nic in |
➡️ लाभार्थी | ➡️ आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़े व्यक्ति |
➡️ Indira Awas Yojana सूची देखें | ➡️ यहां क्लिक करें |
➡️ विभाग का नाम | ➡️ जिला ग्रामीण विकास प्राधिकरण |
➡️ ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट | ➡️ Click Here |
IAY nic –यह योजना निम्नलिखित तीन चरणों में आगे बढ़ेगी:
urban Awas मामलों के मंत्रालय के आंकड़ों के अनुसार, 1 जुलाई 2019 तक, सभी राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में PMAY-U की प्रगति:
- ? Sanctioned houses – 83.63 Lakh ?
- ? Completed houses – 26.08 Lakh ?
- ? Occupied houses – 23.97 Lakh ?
उसी डेटा के अनुसार, निवेशित मानी जाने वाली कुल राशि रु। 4,95,838 करोड़ जिसमें से रु. 51,414.5 करोड़ की धनराशि पहले ही जारी की जा चुकी है।
CSC Bank BC Mitra Registration Process, CSC ICICI Bank BC CSP 2022
UP scholarship registration, renewal, scholarship Pfms, NSP Scholarship 2022
UP Jansunwai Portal-1076, UP IGRS | जनसुनवाई पर शिकायत कैसे करे, jansunwai.up
Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs ने 20 जनवरी 2021 को आयोजित केंद्रीय मंजूरी एवं निगरानी समिति (सीएसएमसी) की 52वीं बैठक में कहा कि Prime Minister’s Awas Scheme Urban के तहत भारत सरकार द्वारा 1.68 लाख घरों के निर्माण को मंजूरी दी गई है. (PMAY-Urban) Scheme.
(New) pm GRAMIN Awas Yojana (PMAY-G)– IAY nic in
pm GRAMIN Awas Yojana (PMAY-G) को पहले इंदिरा आवास योजना कहा जाता था और मार्च 2016 में इसका नाम बदल दिया गया था। IAY nic इसका लक्ष्य दिल्ली और चंडीगढ़ को छोड़कर पूरे ग्रामीण भारत के लिए आवास की पहुंच और सामर्थ्य को बढ़ावा देना है।
PM GRAMIN Awas Yojana:- उद्देश्य :-> झोपड़ी, पूस के घर, बिना घर के और जर्जर मकानों में रहने वालों को पक्के मकानों के निर्माण में सहायता करने के लिए वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करना है। मैदानी इलाकों में रहने वाले लाभार्थी को घर बनाने हेतु दी जाने वाली राशि 1.2 लाख और उत्तर-पूर्वी, पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में, Integrated Action Plan (IAP), और कठिन क्षेत्रों में नगद राशि का लाभ उठा सकते हैं। इस Awas Yojana (PMAY-G)/आवास योजना के कारण 1.3 लाख। वर्तमान में, ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय से उपलब्ध आंकड़ों के अनुसार, सभी राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों में 1,03,01,107 घरों को मंजूरी दी गई है।
Note :- iay nic in, indra awasiay nic in, indra awasiay nic in, indra awas
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अचल संपत्ति क्षेत्र में खरीद को बढ़ावा देने के प्रयास में, PMAYG Beneficiary, Government PMAY की शुरुआत की, और आवास विकास की इस लागत को केंद्र और राज्य सरकार के बीच निम्नलिखित तरीकों से साझा किया जाएगा:-
Note- इस PMAY योजना के लाभार्थियों की पहचान सामाजिक-आर्थिक और जाति जनगणना (SECC) से उपलब्ध आंकड़ों के अनुसार की जाएगी और इसमें शामिल हैं –
- Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
- Non-SC/ST and minorities under BPL.
- Freed bonded laborers.
- Next of kin and widows of paramilitary forces and individuals killed in action, ex-servicemen, and those under a retirement scheme.
IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary & SECC Family Member Details at pmayg.nic.in 2021
Central government has released the details of beneficiaries of Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G). Subsequently, people can check their details in the IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary List. Moreover, people can also check details of their family members in the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) Data through the official website of pmayg.nic.in/netiay

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a flagship scheme of the Modi govt. with a motive to provide “Housing For All”. Accordingly, central govt. implements this scheme in rural areas through PMAY-G.
Now beneficiaries can check their details in the IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary List and also check the details of SECC Family Members.
IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary details include the name of State, Block, District, Personal Details, Bank Details, House Site details and Sanction and Completion details. To check the details of IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary, candidates must follow the procedure given below:-
- Firstly visit the official website pmayg.nic.in
- Subsequently on the homepage, click the “IAY / PMAYG Beneficiary” link under the “Stakeholders” section.
- Direct Link – http://awaassoft.nic.in/netiay/Benificiary.aspx
- Accordingly, candidates have to “Enter Registration Number” and click the “Submit” button.
- Afterwards, the complete Beneficiary details will appear in the format as shown below:-
PMAYG Beneficiary Details
- Beneficiaries can take a printout of their details and keep it for any future reference.
- Candidates can also perform Advance Search using the link –
- http://awaassoft.nic.in/netiay/AdvanceSearch.aspx
- Here candidates have to enter State, District, Block, Panchayat, Scheme Name and then they can search
- PMAYG Beneficiary, using name / BPL Number / Sanction Order Details / Father’s Name / Husband’s Name or account number.
SECC Family Member Details
Beneficiaries can also check the details of family members in the SECC-2011 Data using the link given below:-
Direct Link – http://awaassoft.nic.in/netiay/Test/secc_fm_details.aspx
The format of the SECC Family Member details is shown in the figure below:-
PMAYG SECC Family Member Details
These details includes the name of all the family members, father name, mother name, D.O.B along with their relation with the beneficiary. Here candidates have to enter the name of the State and their PMAY-G ID and then click “Get Family Member Details”.
PMAY-G, IAY & RHISS Guidelines
Candidates can also see and download the guidelines of IAY, PMAY-G and RHISS in PDF Format using the link given below:-
- PMAY-G English (PDF) – Click Here
- PMAY-G Hindi (PDF) – Click Here
- IAY – Click Here
- RHISS Hindi – Click Here
- RHISS English – Click Here
For any further query, candidates can call on the helpline number – 1800-11-6446 or can send an e-mail to support-pmayg@gov.in
Amount Paid Under Indira Awas Yojana – Iay.Nic.In
Recently, in the last 3 years, under the IAY scheme, the central government has provided all the funds to the poor families of all 35 states within three installments to build their own new house.
Under which, we are going to tell you the list of all these varieties by the government, under this list, this amount has been made available to all the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, minority families and all the BPL families, whose details are as follows.
⬇️ इंस्टॉलमेंट | ⬇️ 2015-16 वित्तीय वर्ष | ⬇️ 2016-17 वित्तीय वर्ष | ⬇️ 2017-18 वित्तीय वर्ष |
1 | 969606.9 | 3451269 | 2495516 |
2 | 1010792 | 1605800 | 2988986 |
3 | 1386984 | 1050843 | 5583116 |
Requirement Document Iay YOJANA Iay.Nic.In
If you are also going to apply online for this Indira Awas Yojana, then you will have to collect all the following documents with you.
- ↖️ Aadhaar card
- ️↖️ pan card
- ️↖️ Bank Passbook
- ️↖️ passport size photo
- ️↖️ Ration Card
- ️↖️ Income certificate
- ️↖️ Caste Certificate
- ️↖️Residence Certificate
- ️↖️ Details of land
See Awas Yojana SECC List 2012?
To see SECC List 2011, first you have to follow the following steps:
- ↪️↪️To see SECC List 2011, first you have to follow the following steps:
↪️↪️ STEP 1:↪️↪️-First of all you have to go to the official website of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. And you can also go directly to the site by clicking here.- ️
↪️Next STEP 2:↪️↪️– Only after clicking here you will directly reach the list of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - ️↪️ Where you will see a new page in which you have to step by step select your state district gram panchayat

↪️ STEP 3 ↪️↪️After this you have to choose your state here- ↪️ After successfully selecting the state you have to select the distik i.e. district
- ↪️ After successfully selecting your district
- ↪️↪️ You have to select your tehsil or toll, after selecting tehsil and toll, now you have to choose your gram panchayat in gram panchayat, after successfully selecting gram panchayat, you will see the submit button below.
- ↪️ You have to click on submit button.
↪️ STEP 4:↪️– As soon as you fill In the details of the Gram Panchayat of your state district toll here correctly, then the details of the government houses of your village will open in front of you if you also have the name of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. If the new list has come, then you can see your name in it, here you will get to see your HHID which is being shown to you through the picture below.

- ↪️ STEP 5:↪️>> -If your name appears in the list of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 2021, then you have to contact your Village Development Officer or Village Head or Municipality member to take advantage of it.
- ↪️As soon as your name appears in the list, then all your process is started.
- ↪️ And you are given the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
- ↪️ What we have told you above is the SECC DATA List of 2012, if your name is found in it, then you become entitled to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
- ↪️ For this, you can take advantage of this scheme by contacting the higher officials associated with the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
Gramin Awas Yojana Suchi
Through the new list of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ( Pmayg ) Gramin, you can see your name in this new list. has been included in this new list under.
If you had also applied for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin, if you also live in a rural family of India or you do not already have a pucca house and you are also living in Jogia huts and you If you are also a BPL ration card holder, then you will also be given the benefit of Prime Minister Awas Yojana.
You can also check your name in the list of Prime Minister Awas Yojana 2022 by clicking here.
@ Iay.Nic.In @ Awas Yojana Gramin Eligibility
- ? The benefit of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin will be given to all the customers who are poor and financially backward.
- ? Keep in mind that before applying in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin, the applicant should not have any pucca house.
- ? To take advantage of online Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin, the applicant has never benefited from any such government or state government scheme.
- ? (Pmayg) To take advantage of Gramin, the beneficiary must have a BPL ration card.
- ? To take advantage of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin, the annual income of the applicant should be less than ₹ 300000.
- ?To take advantage of PM Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin, the applicant should not have any government job.
about pm awas plan list rural
- ↪️ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ( Iay.Nic.In ) Gramin has been run for the poor and weaker section living across the country. Under this scheme crores of families of the country living in villages have been included.
- ↪️Such persons who do not have a pucca house and live in a kutcha house. Or those who do not have any house, and are living their life in huts. This scheme has proved to be very beneficial for them.
- ↪️ Such poor families are being included under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ( Iay.Nic.In ) Gramin, today crores of families across the country have got the benefit of this scheme and soon till 2021 22, all the poor will get the benefit of this scheme. will be delivered to the families.
- ↪️ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) Gramin has given freedom to all the poor families from living in the open, now they too can proudly live in their pucca house.
@ Iay.Nic.In & PM Awas Yojana Iay New Report
To see the list of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ( Iay.Nic.In ) Gramin, select the options given below and check your name in the list of Gramin Awas Yojana:
- ? To see the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana ( Pmayg Nic In ) Gramin List, first of all, click here and go to the official website of Awas Yojana.
- ? As soon as or Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Pmayg) will reach Gramin’s website.

- ? Then you will get the interface mentioned below.
- ? After that, you reach this page.
- ? So here you will see an option named the Physical Progress Report section, you have to click on it.
- ? Now another new page opens in front of you.
- ? Then the following information will be asked from you.
- ? You have to provide the information mentioned in it.
- ? As shown to you through the picture below.

- ? In the information asked here, you have to first select the financial year.
- ? After that, you have to select Prime Minister Awas Yojana Rural at number two.
- ? Next after that on the third number you have to select your state.
- ? At number four you have to select your district.
- ? After that on the fifth number, you have to select your block.
- ?On the sixth number, you have to select your village.
- ?And then submit it.

- ? After submitting, the list of Gramin Awas Yojana will open in front of you.
- ?In which you can see your name and how much amount has been sent to your account, you can also get information about it.
Iay.Nic.In Reports
- ✔ Iay.Nic.In 2010-2011 List ⤵️
- ✔⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2011-2012 List
- ✔⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2012-2013 List
- ✔⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2013-2014 List
- ✔ ⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2014-2015 List
- ✔ ⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2015-2016 List
- ✔ ⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2016-2017 List
- ⤵️ ✔ ⤵️ Iay.Nic.In 2017-2018 List
- ⤵️✔ Iay.Nic.In 2018-2019 List
- ⤵️ ✔ Iay.Nic.In 2019-2021 List
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-G)
⤵️ Government. India has named Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) as ⤵️ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) W.F. 2016-17 To realize the vision of “Lodging for All by 2022”. The charge under PMAY-G is to provide all-inclusive access to housing in rural areas by creating Housing for All in the state during the 3 years 2016-17 to 2018-19.
Under this scheme, the recipients are recognized as ⤵️ per SECC-2011 information and family units having 0,1,2 room kutcha house. An amount of Rs.20 lakh in plain areas and Rs.30 lakh in uneven/distressed areas will be given to the recipients to develop IAY houses. What’s more, a measure of Rs.18,000/- as top up total by the state government.
In addition, Rs 12,000/- will be given to the recipient under the Vidhan Sabha for the development of cleanliness latrines. Under MGNREGA, IAY ⤵️ recipients will be allowed to work for the development of their homes out of a complete 90 unauthorized personal days in plain areas and 95 disabled personal days in uneven/disturbed areas.
These people will get the benefit of housing scheme
To cover specific categories of eligible recipients, who may be displaced within the gram panchayat, the individual family unit approach can be used. The main target should be given to groups of manual forests, consisting of restored and restored reinforced workers. What needs to be given from that point on is as follows:-
- ↔️ In situations troubling women, including widows who were separated or abandoned, women survived the wrath and whose spouses were absent for three years in any event, and, women headed families. Huh.
- ↔️ (a) A secluded young lady at home with a young man.
- ↔️Slow people (with any rate 40% disability)
- ↔️Truly tested people (with 40% disability at any rate)
- ↔️ transgender people
- ↔️ Real life murder of widows and persons closest to the handicap/paramilitary/police powers (even if not BPL);
- ↔️ Families in which a part is facing leprosy or cancer.
- ↔️ people living with HIV (PLHIV)
- ↔️ Various homeless BPL families
Iay List Whom to Contact @ Iay.Nic.In?
If you face any kind of problem in Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana or Indira Awas Yojana, then you can get the solution of your problem by contacting the following officials.
Gram Panchayat | Development Block | District | State |
Gram Panchayat Secretary | Block Development Officer | Project Director, DRDA | Joint Director & State Nodal Officer (Pmayg-G),Office Of Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Develoment Department, Assam |
If your name is in Iay List. If you are still not able to get a pucca house or if you are demanding bribe, then you can also contact the higher officials under Indira Awas Yojana.
If you are not able to get a house even if your name is in the Prime Minister’s Awas Yojana (Pmayg Nic In) or Indira Awas Yojana (Iay List 2021).
Or if this post is being sought from you, then these following numbers are being provided to you, you should contact them and register your complaint.
Contact Us Iay.Nic.In |
Commissionerate, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Contact No:03612333645 Email: Ruralassam@Yahoo.Co.In Whom To Contact For: Name: Nazrul Islam, IAS Designation: Commissioner Email: Islam.Ngn@Gmail.Com Phone: 03612333645 Fax: Address: ? Office Of The Commissioner, ? Panchayat & Rural Development Department, ?Juripar, ?Panjabari, ?Guwahati – 37, Assam All Name: Mr K Pegu, ACS Designation: Additional Commissioner Email: Kspegu@Yahoo.Com Phone: 9435088752 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Right To Information, Establishment ?Name: Mr S A Laskar ? Designation: Joint Director Email: Salim.Laskar@Gov.In Phone: 9435113549 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam DDO Name: Ms Lalita Devi Designation: Joint Director Email: Lalita.Devi@Gov.In Phone: 9435046107 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam MGNREGA & Legal & Grievance Name: Ms. Ditimoni Pegu, ACS Designation: Joint Director Email: Phone: 9435088667 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Rural Housing (Pmayg-G), National Social Assistance Program, Panchayati Raj, National Rurban Mission Name: Ms. Indrani Laskar, ACS Designation: Joint Director Email: Phone: 9957186824 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Public Grievance, Monitoring Name: Mr Mukut Sarma Designation: Deputy Director Email: Phone: 9435348145 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Media, Press, Events Name: Ms Manju Rani Deka Designation: Public Relations Officer Email: pmayg Nic In Phone: 9401387991 Fax: Address: Pmayg Nic In Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Web Information Manager Name: Mr Abhijit Misra Designation: State Project Manager Email: Abhijit.Misra@Gov.In Phone: 9435061576 Fax: Address: Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam Assam Pmayg Nic In Web Master Name: Mr Rashsul Hussain Designation: State Project Manager Email: Rashsul.Hussain@Gov.In Phone: 8723992078 Fax: ?Address: ? Office Of The Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Development Department, Juripar, Panjabari, Guwahati – 37, Assam |
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इस पोस्ट को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद….
Posted by Jeet Jaiswal
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FAQ IAY List 2022, Indira Awas Yojana,Iay.Nic.In Reports 2022
❓ मैं अपनी Pmayg सूची 2020 21 की जांच कैसे करूं?
?यदि आपने पीएमएवाई ग्रामीण 2020-21 के तहत पंजीकरण किया है, तो यहां उन विकल्पों की एक सूची दी गई है जहां आप अपना नाम पीएमएवाई सूची 2020-21 में देख सकते हैं: पीएम आवास योजना-आधिकारिक वेबसाइट (https://pmaymis.gov.in) पर जाएं। /) मेनू से ‘हितधारकों’ विकल्प का चयन करें। ‘IAY / PMAYG लाभार्थी’ पर क्लिक करें
❓ मैं अपनी PMAY लाभार्थी सूची की जाँच कैसे करूँ?
? आप निम्न चरणों में PMAY ग्रामीण सूची की जांच कर सकते हैं।
1-आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
2-‘हितधारक’ पर क्लिक करें और फिर ‘IAY / PMAYG लाभार्थी’ चुनें।
3-पंजीकरण संख्या दर्ज करें और ‘खोज’ पर क्लिक करें।
4-पंजीकरण संख्या का उपयोग किए बिना सूची देखने के लिए ‘उन्नत खोज’ पर क्लिक करें।
❓ मैं अपने PMAY स्थिति की ऑनलाइन जाँच कैसे कर सकता हूँ?
? आप आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर अपने PMAY स्थिति की जांच कर सकते हैं। ‘नागरिक मूल्यांकन’ पर क्लिक करें और ‘ट्रैक योर असेसमेंट स्टेटस’ विकल्प चुनें। नए पेज पर, अपना मोबाइल नंबर और पिता का नाम या अपनी मूल्यांकन आईडी दर्ज करके स्थिति की जांच करें।
❓ PMAY सब्सिडी कैसे जमा की जाती है?
? ब्याज सब्सिडी को लाभार्थियों के ऋण खाते में अग्रिम जमा किया जाएगा, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप प्रभावी आवास ऋण (मूल ऋण राशि से घटाकर) और समान मासिक किस्त (ईएमआई) प्राप्त होगा। उधारकर्ता मूल ऋण राशि के शेष पर दस्तावेज़ की दरों के अनुसार ईएमआई का भुगतान करेगा।
❓I already have a pucca house, can I take advantage of this scheme?
? No, if you are already living in a pucca house, then this IAY scheme is not for you, you should not apply in it.
❓ Is there any income set to apply for this scheme?
? Yes, applicants have to pay Rs.3 lakh for EWS applicants, Rs. 3 lakh to 6 lakh for LIG and Rs. For MIG, income proof of Rs 6 lakh to Rs 18 lakh has to be shown.
❓ Can I get the benefit of this scheme (Iay.Nic.In) without Aadhar card?
? No, to take advantage of Aawas Yojana, all the members of your family must have Aadhar card and the applicant should also have Aadhar card.
❓If I want to complain about Aawas Yojana, then in how many days will it be resolved?
? If you want to register any complaint under this (Iay.Nic.In) scheme, then your solution will be done within 30 days and you will be informed about it.
❓Where can I complain about PM Aawas Yojana ( Iay.Nic.In )?
? If you have not got the benefit of Aawas Yojana and you are eligible for this scheme and a person is getting the benefit of any scheme who is not eligible, then you can complain about it on its official website?
❓ Can we apply online for this (Iay.Nic.In) Iay Yojana?
? Yes, if you want to apply online for PM Aawas Yojana (Iay.Nic.In), then you can apply online for PM Aawas Yojana by visiting its official website. But keep in mind that the online application has been started only for urban persons. If you come from rural area then you will not be able to get this benefit, for people living in rural area, you will have to apply offline.
❓ I do not have Ration Card, Aadhar Card or Identity Card, can I get the benefit of IAY YOJANA?
? No, you have to show all your documents to take advantage of this Pmayg Nic In scheme, only then you will be given the benefit of this scheme.
❓After how many days of applying, the benefit of Pmayg Nic In Aawas Yojana is available
? If you apply online in PM Aawas Yojana, then you are informed about it within 2 months but it takes some time to get your Aawas Yojana benefits.
❓Can rural people get the benefit of urban housing scheme?
? No, if you come from urban area then you will not get the benefit of rural housing scheme.
❓Will the urban people get the benefit of rural housing scheme?
? No, if you reside in the city and want to take advantage of rural housing scheme, then you will not be able to get the benefit of this scheme.
❓ What is ( IAY YOJANA ) Indira Awas Yojana.
? Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana (Pmayg Nic In), formerly Indira Awas Yojana (IAY), is a social welfare flagship program created by the Government of India, to provide housing for the rural poor in India.
❓ Can I apply online for Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana?
? No, if you are thinking of applying online for rural housing scheme then this process has not started.
❓ From where do you get the benefit of rural housing scheme?
? The benefit of rural housing scheme is made available to you by your village head or BDO i.e. Block Development Officer or Gram Panchayat Secretary.
❓ On what basis the benefit of rural housing scheme is given?
? The benefit of Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana is given to you by looking at your financial condition and at the same time your name should be in the 2011 Economic Census, if you want, you can check your name in the SECC DATA List of 2011 for this.
❓ Where to complain about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Iay List)???
?You can complain about Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana or Indira Awas Yojana on the contact number given above, where we have provided you the list of all the higher officials associated with Indira Awas Yojana, along with you can be Block Development Officer or Gram Panchayat Secretary. You can also complain about this.